J K Rithesh
,” the actor cum politician had been working with
Vishal Reddy
Karthik Sivakumar
, “
” and “
” for the welfare of Nadigar Sangam. Yesterday, the cleaning work of Nadigar Sangam premises had been going at a quick pace. Many of the board members were there in the premise, to check the arrangements of Nadigar Sangam’s Annual General Meeting. While chatting, “
” made fun of Rithesh. Many of the members, who were there, enjoyed the comment by Karunas. Irked by Karunas’ fun, Ritesh slapped him. Getting the unexpected blow from Ritesh, Karunas ran away from the place. But, Ritesh didn’t cool down and had been searching for Karunas. Meanwhile, in today’s AGM, only one gate will be kept open for both entry and exit. What would be Karuna’s condition? Will he attend the meeting? We have to wait and watch!