Minister C Vijayabhaskar’s house, offices in Chennai and Pudhukottai were raided simultaneously by the Income Tax department. Nearly 30 places relating to Vijayabhaskar and his family were raided. Earlier yesterday, it was said that Vijayabhaskar should appear before the Income Tax department in Trichy and answer the questions by the authorities. Today Vijayabhaskar’s father Chinnathambi and brother Udayakumar appeared before IT office in Trichy and answered to the questions shot by the Income Tax Department’s additional director
Senthil Kumar
and deputy director, Yasar Arafath. While speaking to the press, Chinnathambi said that the IT raids were made with a political intention. The details of the captured documents and cash are not yet revealed. Vijayabhaskar stated that the IT department hadn’t got anything from him.