Nitish Kumar, the Janata Dal leader cum CM Of Bihar, resigned his post stating that the deputy CM, Tejashwi Yadav is corrupted. After he resigned his post, BJP vested their support to Nitish and also gave a letter of support to the governor. Following the support from BJP, Nitish Kumar, swear in as the CM, again. He was asked to prove his majority in two days. So, the trust vote was held today and he proved his majority and retained his CM Post. Now, the former deputy CM Tejashwi, son of Lalu Prasad will be the opposition party leader. While speaking in the assembly, Tejashwi boldly asked Nitish that wasn’t he ashamed. Tejashwi stated that BJP had used the opportunity to break the alliance.
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Nitish Kumar, the Janata Dal leader cum CM Of Bihar, resigned his post stating that the deputy CM, Tejashwi Yadav is corrupted. After he resigned his post, BJP vested their support to Nitish and also gave a letter of support to the governor. Following the support from BJP, Nitish Kumar, swear in as the CM, again. He was asked to prove his majority in two days. So, the trust vote was held today and he proved his majority and retained his CM Post. Now, the former deputy CM Tejashwi, son of Lalu Prasad will be the opposition party leader. While speaking in the assembly, Tejashwi boldly asked Nitish that wasn’t he ashamed. Tejashwi stated that BJP had used the opportunity to break the alliance.