Actor “Dileep,” who was arrested for actress Bhavana Abduction and harassment case had filed a bail plea. Today, the bail petition came to the court. The Angamaly court rejected Dileep’s bail plea and extended the remand by a day. Dileep was arrested in the abduction case by the Kerala Police, after tracing Pulsar Sunil, the main convict in
Bhavana Menon
abduction case. With the old vengeance in mind, Dileep has cheaply planned and staged the kidnap and harassment. He thought that Bhavana would never complain this to the police. But, she shattered his idea and made a complaint. Besides Dileep, his second wife
Kavya Madhavan
has a big role in it, says a report. The inquiry is going on. Dileep is expelled out from the artists’ association, AMMA, FEFKA and the Producers’ Council too.