,” the “Kadhal” fame actor had been suffering to lead his life without any film opportunities. He had been staying in the temple and eating the mid-day meals provided there. When someone identified him, the news spread to the media that he had been fighting hard to lead a normal life. Reporters from a popular magazine visited him and Vrichikakanth requested the cinema people to provide opportunities for him.
Abi Saravanan
, of Kerala Nattilam Pengaludane found out Vrichikakanth with the help of
Sai Dheena
and Mohan. Abi Saravanan and his friend Kanteepan bought a Samsung Android mobile and a set of shirt and jeans pant for Vrichikakanth. As per Abi’s request, his new film director offered a role to Vrichikakanth. Similarly, upon his request, director Kumar Nanda provided Vrichikakanth, an opportunity to play in his next film, “Sooravali.” Abi Saravanan thanks the God, who made him find out and help Vrichikakanth.