“Puli Murugan” is the upcoming film of “
.” The film depicts Lalettan as an animal trainer. It is one among the high budget films in Mollywood. India’s highly paid stunt choreographer,
Peter Hein
has been hired for this film and high-octane fight sequences will be seen. The film has been completely wrapped up and the post-production works are over. Initially, it was planned for the release on 7th July. Now, the film is postponed to 15th August. Yet the release date of Puli Murugan is not confirmed says a source. It is reported that due to the unavailability of theaters, the film has been postponed. However, some of the insiders say that due to the release of “
” by “
” and “
” by “
,” Puli Murugan has been postponed. Besides Puli Murugan, Mohanlal has “Vismayam, “Janatha Garage” and “
” to be released in a row. Stay tuned for more details on Mohanlal movies!