"Mammootty" is ready with the fifth sequel of the movie, “Oru CBI Diary Kurippu.” The first part released in the year 1988. After a year of release of the prequel, the second part of the movie was released in the name, “
.” But the third part released after one and a half decade as “Sethurama Iyer CBI.” The latest part of the CBI series was released in 2005 as, “Nerariyan CBI.” When the third part was released, it was said that the story was written for Mohanlal. As Mohanlal turned down it, the opportunity knocked at the doors of the Mega Star Mammootty. He took it as a challenge and did it successfully. Now, the 5th part is said to be made ready, and the sources say that it might be the final part of the CBI Series. Stay tuned for further updates!