,” the popular Malayalam director breathed his last today at a Kochi hospital. Diphan, aged 45 was suffering from liver cirrhosis. Although he was given the treatment at the right time, his body failed to recuperate. Diphan is survived by Deepa, his wife and two sons Madhavan and Mahadevan. Started his career as an assistant director to
Shaji Kailas
, Diphan has worked in
Aaram Thamburan
, Valyettan, Narasimham and FIR. Diphan is the son of the popular dubbing artist, Anandavalli. Diphan’s first solo film was a political thriller, The King Maker: Leader. But the film failed to reach the people. His Puthiya Mukham with
Prithviraj Sukumaran
was a super hit. Dolphin Bar was the last film of Diphan that hit the theaters. At present, the post production works of Sathya, a film directed by Diphan featuring “
” is going at a brisk pace. Before the movie release, Diphan left to the eternal world. May his soul rest in peace! Our deepest condolences to Diphan’s family.