,” the complete actor has joined the 200 Cr club, as three of his movies collectively presented him an extraordinary sum of Rs. 200 Cr. The Malayalam version of Telugu film,
Janatha Garage
, “
” and Puli Murugan has garnered appreciation for Lalettan and made him enter the elite club. In fact, he is the first Mollywood star to get into this club. Within 42 days, three films of the actor have been released. Puli Murugan is the highest opener for Mohanlal, so far. It collected Rs. 4.5 Cr on the first day of release. It is the first Malayalam film that created the record of fastest Rs. 10 Cr and Rs. 20 Cr. As per the reports, it has crossed Rs. 25 Cr now. The film is expected to cross Rs. 100 Cr. The high-octane fight sequences are the main reason for the collection records. Kamalinee Mukherji pairs Mohanlal and “
” plays a pivotal role.