The most populous actor in the mini and silver screen, Karthick Jayaram will make the strong Ravan role in a Hindi Serial. This highly talented actor, who is of good physique, is set to do the Hindi serial, ‘Siyaka Raam’ in the Star Plus channel. This actor is very famous for his role in the serial
Ashwini Nakshatra
, and for the smart roles in the films like
Just Love
and Chandrika. For the audience who watched the “
Arvind Trivedi
is their Ravan, still. Will they accept Karthick as the Ravan? JK got this opportunity, by sending a video that states his caliber, to the ‘Siyaka Raam’ team and this video impressed the makers and JK is gifted with the Ravan role. JK has a handful of offers to do serials and movies and he has also acted in a Tamil movie as a villain. We wish you all the best to shine in your endeavors, JK!