Priyanka Chopra
Deepika Padukone
shared the screen space together in “
Bajirao Mastani
” with
Ranveer Singh
. They created a new record that two stars could be best friends. Recently, they both were supposed to give a performance together. But, when the organizers approached for it, Deepika denied sharing the stage space with Priyanka. But, Priyanka was interested in it. A source told that their bonding is not true and they were just formal during the shooting of Bajirao Mastani. However, a professional rivalry exists between both of them. That is the result of Deepika’s denial to share the stage space with Priyanka. However, both of them managed to grab the attention of the Hollywood people by making their debut. Priyanka is the first one to enter Hollywood through her TV series, “
.” Then she got an opportunity to make her debut in “
” with
Dwayne Johnson
. Deepika will be seen with
Vin Diesel
in “XXX: The Return of Xander Cage.”