The Legend of Hanuman Season 3 is an animated series scripted by Sharad Devarajan, Sarwat Chaddha, Ashwin Pande, and Arshad Syed. Jeevan J. Kang and Navin John directed the series. Sharad Kelkar narrated the series. The series is available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, and Marathi in Disney + Hotstar. Tharun Prasad edited the series.
Sanket Mhatre voiced for Shree Rama, Surbhi Pandey voiced for Sita, Damandeep Singh Baggan voiced for Hanuman, and Sharad Kelkar voiced for Ravana. Vikrant Chaturvedi, Richard Joel, Rohan Jadav, Shakti Singh, Sahil Vaid, Toshi Sinha, Rajesh Jolly, Aaditya Raj Sharma, Pushkar Vijay, Rohan Verma, Shailendra Pandey, Surendra Bhatia, Vikram Kochhar, A...
Killer soup is an Indian web series by netflix. It is co-written by Harshad Nalawade, Anant Tripati, Unaiza Merchant and Abhishiek Chaubey, who also directed the web series. Konkona Sen Sharma and Manoj Bajpayee are the lead characters.
Plot Â
In the fictional town of Mainjur, Tamil Nadu a talentless home chef comes up with a bizarre plan to replace her husband, Prabhakar with her lover and a squint-eyed doppelganger Umesh; with her neighbors and policemen poking their noses at her house, things don’t go as planned.
Star Performances