Dasari Arun Kumar Arun Kumar is a famous Indian film actor. He is th >> Read More... is an Indian film actor known for his works predominantly in the Telugu cinemas. He is the son of the well-known director in Telugu cinema, Dasari Narayan Rao. Arun Kumar made his debut as an actor in his father, Narayana Rao Dasari's 1998 Telugu Drama film, titled, " Greeku Veerudu Click to look into! >> Read More... ."
Dasari is also known for "Orey Thammudu" (2001) and " Chinna Chinna is a south Indian actor. He is not only an >> Read More... " (2001). He also acted in movies like "Adivishnu," "Samanyudu," and "Tiger Harischandra Prasad." Despite acting in various films, Arun was not able to achieve fame and success.
It was the wish of Dasari Narayana Rao Dasari Narayana Rao is an Indian cinema director w >> Read More... , who wanted his son to bloom in movies. Arun Kumar expressed that initially, he was not serious about being an actor, but now he has made it a strong aim and is working truly hard towards fulfilling his father’s wishes.
Arun believes that his father is his God, and thus, he must obey his desires. Arun proclaimed that he could perform distinct types of roles in his films but playing an antagonist would be his prime wish. In spite of being the son of the excellent director, Arun struggled to mark a success for himself as most of his films proved to be failures at the Box Office.
Arun Kumar was noted to quit acting for a period and looked after the production logistics in his father’s production house. When asked about his decision to quit his career in acting, the actor confirmed that he was only taking a break to figure out things and make an even stronger comeback.
In one of his media interviews, Arun said he was now excited to make a comeback to films and make his father proud wherever he dwells. Arun also made it clear that he was not looking for protagonist roles and that he would choose strong characters and villain roles on his comeback.
Given his tall frame and looks, Arun is sure to do well. In spite of a lot of pressure because of his famous background, Arun Kumar never lost hope and has put in tremendous amount of efforts to reach the level of success in his life.
All of his inspiration comes from his father who had great expectations for his son. He has proved to be a great actor and made his deceases father proud with his spectacular works in Telugu cinemas.
Arun has been able to make a name for himself, and also fulfill his father's dreams with his hard work and dedication. We are eager to see more of his projects.