Shaji, a multi- talented personality, belongs to South India and is a trilingual writer, i.e., he can write in three different languages which include Tamil, Malayalam, and English. Chennai Shaji is also his name and because of his impressive writings, Writer Shaji. Shaji lives in Chennai, South India with wife Jessy and daughter Geeta Salila. Before settling in Chennai, Shaji spent seven years in different states including Gujarat, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. He worked as the manager of a western music band in Hyderabad and used to sing occasionally. He is also famous for bringing out unknown facets of the musician. Though he has also appeared in films, writing is his cup of tea. He's also a music critic. He also writes for various newspapers. He has a different philosophy; he doesn't judge a song according to how popular the song is but with his knowledge. According to him, music has own meaning. Personal Life: Shaji was born in the border area of two states and hence got exposure to two different languages, cultures and people. A writer, an actor, a critic of music and movies and a vinyl record enthusiast owning a collection of 16,000 records,
Shaji owes it all to his hometown, a remote village, near Kattappana in Idukki district, close to Tamil Nadu. Shaji never thought that he would write in Tamil, but it seems he was destined to be. In an article, he said about how unfamiliar he was with the Literary Tamil but later own learnt about it by reading different authors. Achievements: Shaji’s first article was Sollil Adangatha Isai (Music Beyond Words), published as a book. His first movie was Onaayun Aattukuttiyum. Apart from this, Shaji has also written a full-fledged film script titled Dhinasari Moondru Kaatchigal in Tamil. Shaji says, “I love to do different things and explore. But I maintain a distance from the maddening crowd and don’t take pride in anything- including in the fact that I am a Malayali. In Every culture, language is unique and precious. You can’t claim your language or culture is greater. Even if a person lives full 100 years, it’s just 36,500 days. So why to waste your days in vanity, pride, and prejudice?” These words are what make him different and experiment so much in life. This attitude of Shaji defines how sober and ground to earth eminent personality he is.