Jeo Baby is an upcoming Indian director known for his short films on complex issues. Hailing from Kerala, Jeo spent his early days in the town of Erattupetta which falls under the district of Kottayam. He took admission in the St. Joseph’s College of Communication, Changanassery in Kottayam itself. This college was inaugurated in 2004 and became the first university affiliated media institution in Kerala. Jeo directed several videos and skits during his stint in the school. His movies got recognition at various college-level contests and made Jeo a familiar figure in South India. His films highlighted human predicaments such as religion and human-trafficking.
However, he faced his first major roadblock in his career at St. Joseph’s. When Jeo was a final year scholar of MA in the subject of Cinema and Television, he teamed up with his friends to make “Secret Minds” in 2007. This five-minute video dealt with the sensitive topic of homosexuality in the country. With no dialogues and music only, many competitions screened Secret Minds. As the news spread out, St Joseph’s College authorities came to know about the project. Shot in Jeo’s college, the church-run school came down heavily on the director’s team. In the country where same-sex relationships are considered taboo and religious groups forbid such relations, it was not surprising to see Secret Minds’ squad face action from the institution.
It resulted in a suspension of students including Jeo from the media school. The authorities defended their actions citing “breach of discipline” and insufficient approvals. Jeo stated in his defense by saying that the motion picture was meant to make people aware of the presence of hypocrisy shown towards homosexuality in the society. With prior experience in this field, Jeo seemed confident as many people supported him on this issue. According to Jeo, the committee of a Trivandrum-based festival informed the college administration about “Secret Minds.” Still, Secret Minds did found its way into screenings with Bangalore Queer Film fest (2011 edition) being a notable achievement for the suspended students.
Later, he continued to be involved in this art as he directed Chimera, another short film. Further, the producers approached Jeo with the offer of scripting Marimayam, a Malayalam comedy serial. Using the concept of satire to mock procrastination and bureaucracy in the offices, Jeo did not disappoint the audience with his witty script receiving appreciation. He decided to make his big-screen debut by making 2 Pennkuttikal, a female-centric flick.
With special appearances by Amala Paul Amala Paul is the super talented star of South Ind >> Read More... and Tovino Thomas Tovino Thomas is a well-known face in the Malayala >> Read More... , the movie throws light on the problems faced by womankind from the little girls’ perspective. The story of 2 Pennkuttikal revolves around two schoolgirls who experience anxious moments after bunking classes for one day. The running time of 2 Pennkuttikal is 75 minutes and has been screened at renowned festivals such as Busan International Kids and Youth Film Festival, South Korea and many others as well. The flick released in January 2016 to positive feedback by the viewers and critics alike.