Joni Harsha is a prominent film editor and recently turned producer. He is a veteran of the Tamil and Kannada film industry, having worked behind the scenes on more than a hundred films in the two film industries in South India. Recently, he decided to produce and launched a comedy TV serial that currently airs on primetime TV on the channel Zee Kannada. Harsha began his career in the film industry in the early parts of the 1990’s.
To begin with, he worked with the popular film editor
Suresh Urs
Suresh Urs is an Indian movie editor, who works ma >> Read More...
. Suresh Urs is a renowned figure in South Indian cinema. Harsha has gained a great deal by learning the ropes with someone who is respected and knowledgeable. He eventually became an assistant to Suresh Urs, who was working predominantly in Tamil films at the time. During his time as Suresh Urs’ assistant, he would stay in the house of the well-known director AP Arjun.
It was these frequent dalliances with Arjun that led Harsha to start working in the Kannada film industry. His film resume is an impressive one. In his long career, he has worked on more than a hundred films, out of which more than 75 were Kannada films. In recent times, he has edited many popular Kannada films.
Joni also worked with the group that released the film ‘Manasaare’, which starred Diganth Manchale and
Aindrita Ray
Aindrita Ray is a prominent Kannada actress, who h >> Read More...
. He edited the popular film ‘Rangappa Hobitna’ which was released in 2011. He also made the final cuts on the movie ‘ Mynaa’, a romantic film starring
Chetan Kumar
Chetan Kumar is a Kannada actor, who was born in t >> Read More...
and Nithya Menon. In 2016, he was part of three films that hit the theatres namely ‘ Devara Naadalli’, a thriller film, crime film ‘Mangataa’ and his most recent work this year was another thriller film titled ‘Shutterdulai’.
In 2015, he turned into a producer for the first time by producing the Kannada comedy TV serial ‘Sriman Srimathi’. According to Harsha, his purpose for entering into TV production was to provide Kannada speaking audience with quality entertainment on TV. He stated that he was ‘upset’ with the low standards of TV shows currently on air and wanted to bring about some change. The show currently airs on Zee Kannada and features Bhasker Ninasam,
Raghavendra Rai
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Lokesh Basavatti
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, ‘ Anusha’ and ‘ Jayasheela’ as the star cast. The sitcom is generally liked by people.