Swati Kaushal is a very popular Indian author. Swati loves to write fiction very much and the audience likes her book a lot. Her novels became very popular and also got into the list of Best Sellers. Audiences purchase her books in a very huge amount as they love reading her books. Swati Kaushal belongs to.
The novels that she wrote consists of everything that she has faced and learnt during her life, therefore, people take more interests in her books and read them multiple times. She has completed her MBA from IIM based in Calcutta. She has also worked with many private companies such as Nokia Mobile Phones and Nestle India Limited.
In the year 2005 she published her novel named A Piece Of Cake. A Piece of Cake is a very amazing book. Swati Kaushal has written it amazingly and the audience likes this book very much. A Piece of cake is the story of a girl named Minal Sharma who wants everything in life; a successful career, a guy who can buy her all the happiness and diamonds; but it turn out like she wants she gets totally different things in life and she even sabotage her career. A Piece of Cake had a good concept and written very well. In the year 2008, her second novel was published named, A Girl Like Me.
A Girl Like Me is an outstanding novel by her and people liked this also a lot. She earned huge success with the help of all her writings. People also consider her one of the best writers. A Girl Like Me is a story of a girl whose name is Anisha Rai; how she adapts to different situations and cultures and adjusts herself. This novel has got many twists and turns which are good and make the book more interesting.
As her writings have her personal experiences they make her books more interesting and takes all the attention as well. In the year 2012 she published her third novel named Drop Dead; this is about a female police protagonist and this book is very unique. Audience liked this book very much and many people read this book as this was a little different from what she has written earlier. Drop Dead novel is about a female police Inspector of Himachal Pradesh which interests the audience more.