Comedy Galatta is a comedy based show which came on the channel Adithya TV. The series is a Tamil language one which came on between every Monday and Friday in the half an hour slot of 6 PM and 6:30 PM. The program got dedicated to comedy as a genre and showcased different clips from movies.
All the clips shown got selected from different comedy films or situations involving comedy in films of other genres. It formed a rib-tickling affair with some of the best works of the art shown in the best of Tamil cinema. This compilation of clips from different movies provides a wonderful and refreshing change.
Comedy Galatta got designed along the old age of laughter being the cure for every kind of sickness. They hence play some of the best in the world of comedy back to back. The hilarity of the situations and the comic timings of the actors involved leave everyone watching in complete splits. Each new episode brought with it fresh scenes from some of the best movies that are there. These could be around any and every topic.
Ranging from socio-cultural issues that the regular Indian man faces to household problems which we are all familiar with. They show situations as diverse as doctors, inspectors, peons, and much more. They go on to depict a wide variety of socio-cultural scenarios that the Indian common man must live through. The series garnered immense popularity amidst every section of society and got fondly watched today as well. The episodes have covered many topics, most of which aim at establishing a connection with the common man. The scenes could touch anything and everything that exists, and there was something for each and every person. Adithya TV got launched with the aim of being a twenty-four-hour Tamil language comedy channel. It got owned and operated by the Sun TV Network.
The channel shows a variety of shows both from the old collections which do not run anymore, and new and unique comedy shows as well. It quickly became among one of the most viewed humorous channels available in the Tamil language entertainment space. The only close competitor it had was the Siripoli channel which was also dedicated to comedy series only.
The channel featured some of the most entertaining shows on TV and hence gained high ratings within a very short span of time. The channel even got aired in international locations such as Singapore and Malaysia following its success in the Indian subcontinent.