Visaranai, was a serial based on the stories written by Rajeshkumar, a popular writer, famous with his crime stories. The serial was telecasted with huge fan following in Kalaignar Tv. There was a fresh story every week. Each story started and ended in the same week .The cast included Sakthisiva, Shyam, Shyam Ganesh,Sindhu and others. The serial was produced by P.Vijayakumar of Gravity Entertainment limited, and directed by C.Prabhu. It was a suspense thriller.
The main characters of the novel came alive in the serial. It was very different from the normal soaps which were tear jerkers. The characters in the novel came alive in the serial. The story revolved around a detective Vivek, the role played by Sakthisiva, his wife Rupala, the role was played by Sindhu and Vsihnu,the role played by Shyam. With brilliant direction and strong story lines, the serial was success also because of the thrills and twists. The serial ran successfully with applauds from the legends from all the fields, appreciating it in the celebrations. Shyam had done his role with ease like as always. Rajeshkumar stories has a detective Vivek with his assistant Vishnu in all his crime stories and the actors Sakthisiva and Shyam have done justice to the role with their excellent performance.The direction by Prabhu was done with utmost care that it made the viewers experience goosebumps ,while watching the serial. Sindhu, had showed her acting skills in the character of Rupala very well.