Vettai is a Tamil television show. The show falls under the crime genre. This is a genre in which stories from the crime world are told. These stories are about corruption, murders, sexual assault, and most of the time are inspired by real-life stories. Crime has always been the most popular genre around the world as stories in this genre are thrilling and full of mysteries. This popularity has caused a sudden spike in the numbers of crime shows that are there. Vettai is one such show. But the show is a police procedural show which is a subgenre or a byproduct of crime dramas. Police procedural shows are the type of shows in which the crime is shown from the perspective of police and captures the whole process of tracking down criminals by going through all the various evidence from the crime scene.
Usually, police procedural shows have different stories for each episode of the show. Vettai also follows the same trail. The show focuses on a fictionalized unit of the police force which is called a special task force and they often solve the cases or work on cases that are deemed ad being cold cases. Cold cases are a term given to cases that have very little chance of solving due to less evidence or the ambiguity of the crime. Special task force specializes in solving these cases with the help of its extremely capable group of individuals. The show follows this bunch as they go around solving impossible cases and tracking down hard-boiled criminals who have done mischievous crimes. Vettai was created by Anuratha Kanderaju Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Abbas Akbar Abbas Akbar is an upcoming Tamil screenwriter work >> Read More... . The show was written by Jaya Rathakrishnan Jaya Rathakrishnan is an incredible artist who is >> Read More... . The show ran for a very long time and had a total of 72 episodes. The show started airing on television from November 2010 and ran on air till 2011. The show was a Singaporean-Tamil show and used to air on the channel, Vasantham, but was later bought by Zee Tamil due to the show’s popularity. The show was also made available for online streaming on the Zee’s OTT platform called Zee5. The show recorded huge ratings because the format was new for the Tamil audience and the show was made in a very real way.