Udal Porul Anandhi is a crime based thriller TV show which came on Doordarshan, which is India’s national TV network. The serial is a Tamil one that came on every weekday between Monday and Thursday. The show ran successfully. The show quickly became a followers choice and massed a huge fan following. It got viewed on a regular basis and enjoyed huge loyalty from the fans. In fact, the show provided a welcome relief from the regular programming which was majorly a mix of different soap operas.
Linked with the brilliant acting skills displayed by the cast members made it an instant hit amongst the audiences. Not just in Tamil Nadu or India for that matter, the serial became a regular favorite of viewers all over the globe. It soon became one of the most-viewed series amidst the Tamil overseas audience as well. UdalPorulAnandhibecame a very popular show in no time at all. The viewers got hooked to every new twist and turn unfolding on the screen as the protagonists kept trying to get the better of the culprits. However, they always managed to stay ahead of the curve and evaded capture. Most of the episodes ended on cliff-hangers with the audience members waiting with bated breath for figuring out what happens next.
The villain hid in plain sight and kept the protagonists guessing as to how and when he will strike next. His true motives stayed hidden at all times, and he managed to execute his plans flawlessly. He manages to keep the other characters on their toes and try and extract his vengeance from them all. The show got renowned for its mystery and suspense and provided some welcome change from the regular soap operas dominating the broadcast space. Udal Porul Anandhi got based on a bestselling novel of the same name by the highly acclaimed and widely read author Javar Seetharaman Javar Seetharaman is an author, lawyer, actor, and >> Read More... .
He is a Tamil language author who has written many works over the span of his long and illustrious career. He entered the world of Tamil entertainment television and films as well. He wrote the scripts of many popular and fan favorite series. He tried his luck at acting and portrayed a few memorable roles over the years. Javar Seetharaman got trained to become a professional lawyer and practiced for a few years while he got based out of Trichy. He pursued writing in his spare time and penned many of his greatest works in that phase.