Kungumam is a drama based daily series that came on the Sun TV network. It is a Tamil language show and came on between Monday and Friday in the slot of 10 PM. It premiered on Indian television screens on 25th June 2013. The program follows the story of the lead protagonist. She is a headstrong lady and very rational. This is the story of the different challenges she faces in her life and how she overcomes obstacles. She is a woman with strong ideals and doesn’t let anyone tell her otherwise. She believes in standing by what she knows to be the truth.
The series got directed by the acclaimed Sundar K. Vijayan. The production got overseen by Sujatha Vijayakumar Sujata Vijaykumar is an Indian film producer who w >> Read More... . Some stellar cast members got chosen to play the roles, and these include the likes of Khushboo, Sharmila, Suresh, Yuvashree, Abhishek and Mathrubootham. As the series opens, we get introduced to the leading protagonist, a lady called Charu. She is a simple and down to earth lady. She is extremely rational by her very nature and does everything after clearing thinking it through. She is a nurse by profession and got driven by her work and what it entails. She also attempts to make a difference in the lives of everyone around her.
This is one of the biggest motivators for her choosing to become a nurse and help others out. She wholeheartedly believes in the fact that anything and everything can get achieved by the means of love and affection. There is no obstacle big enough which cannot get resolved by means of love. She wholeheartedly believes in the fact that even the most boorish person or even a wastrel on the streets can get reformed to become a better person who would be an asset to the entire country if he or she gets love. She believes that all anyone is looking for is a bit of concern for themselves and the right amount of care.
There are many people who believe in the power of money and how it can solve all of the life’s problems. She does not share this feeling with them. She instead tries to reason with them and emphasize the fact that love, as well as a dear one's affection, are the only forms of true wealth. With the love and support of a dear one, there is nothing which cannot get achieved. As the story progresses, she goes through each day in an attempt to strike some kind of a balance amidst her various roles of being a mother, a daughter, a wife, a daughter-in-law. She shows us what all being a woman encompasses and how to go about the various roles one needs to fulfill.