Directed by P Selvam, Kayal is a Tamil television series. This show is produced by Vision Time India Pvt Ltd. It is based on family drama. It had 550 episodes released from 25 October 2021. The story unfolds with the struggle of a girl with many responsibilities on her shoulders. She is a brave girl with a strong, solid determined personality. She had the responsibility of her younger sister's marriage. As she is the family's breadwinner, she spends most of her time at her workplace. There, she is harassed by her coworkers. Her independent personality helps her to manage her problems, and she faces all the obstacles of her life with grace and strength. She is also an ambitious girl and she does her work diligently. Although she sometimes struggles to manage everything independently, she still does it without complaining.
Kayal loves her younger sister, and she does everything in her reach to provide her with a comfortable life. Both sisters had a strong relationship with each other as Kayal's only emotional support was her younger sister. She had an uncle who was not precisely a well-wisher. He conspires against her and is eager to see her downfall. Will Kayal's sister step up to help her? How long can Kayal endure all this misery? Will Uncle ever step back on his unjust behavior? How will the marriage of the younger sister affect the bond between these two sisters?
The serial took inspiration from a Tamil movie called Manathil Urudhi Vendum. The serial comes under the genre of family drama. Karthik Yuvaraj and Iyyappan Sabapathy wrote the screenplay of the serial. Kanne Kanne Kanninmaniye Nee Kelamma is the opening theme song of the serial. Pa.Vijay wrote the lyrics of the theme song. K. S. Chitra gave voice to the theme song. The serial presents the challenges and struggles in the life of Kayal. Kayal represents the struggles that a woman has to face in day-to-day life. The serial blends determination, family bonds, and mental strength. The serial has completed two years and released 650+ episodes. Chaitra Reddy Chaitra Reddy is a South Indian TV actress. Her ho >> Read More... , Sanjeev Karthik, Vazhakku En Muthuraman, and Meenakumari are some of the talented actors and actresses who perform in the serial.