Karuppu Vettai is a Tamil dubbed horror drama aired by Polimer TV channel at nights. This is purely fictitious and explore some real – life beliefs and traditions. This was one of the successful tele – serial hosted by Polimer TV channel with a mix of mystery and mystique of super humans.
A guy named Dharman lives happily in a town with his wife's Ponni and his son. Their life is pretty calm and simple. Suddenly one day, Dharman dies and his death is full of mystery and nobody can find the root cause of the same. Some activists and organizations try to help Ponni finding the cause of her husband’s death and could not succeed enough in their work.
Days gone by, everybody forgets about Dharman’s death and the life becomes normal. Dharman’s friend Sivasu steps into the town knowing this and shows a helping hand to Dharman’s family. Initially everything went normal, but later on pony comes to know about the real face of Sivasu as he tries to own her. She is against this, and again suddenly Ponni commits suicide in her house. This is really shocking for the town people and the kid is left alone.
Was Dharman killed by his friend Shivasu and Is he the real motive for Ponni committing suicide lies the plot.