Double Decker is a Malayalam comedy web series created by the YouTube channel Flowers Comedy. It is Directed by Athul T.R. The show represents Flowers Comedy's first foray into long-form streaming content. Premiering its first season in November 2019, Double Decker is available to view for free on YouTube. As of now, one season comprising full-length episodes has been released. Staying true to Flowers Comedy's brand of humor, Double Decker promises more.
At the beginning of the show, Manmu calls Radhu late at night, trying to get romantic, asking for kisses and selfies. Radhu plays along hesitantly, at first, but then tells Manmu to meet her, challenging his manliness. Meanwhile, Manmu has trouble finding a private place to relieve himself while talking to Radhu. Manmu finally shows up unexpectedly at Radhu's house, climbing to her room. Radhu is shocked and tells him to leave before they get caught, but Manmu persuades her to at least open the door briefly. Just then, Radhu's brother stirs, so a panicking Radhu gets Manmu to hide.
After her brother leaves, Manmu tries convincing Radhu to go on a secret late-night motorbike ride together. She is reluctant but agrees if he drops her home before dawn. On the bike ride, Manmu tries getting intimate, but Radhu wants to get home. Just as Radhu starts enjoying the ride, they spot police and panic. Manmu speeds off, refusing to stop while Radhu screams for him to pull over. The first episode ends on a cliffhanger with the police catching up to them, implying forthcoming trouble for their forbidden nighttime rendezvous.