Suprabhatham is an early morning magazine entertainment show which airs on the Asianet channel. It is a Malayalam language program and gets broadcasted every weekday from Monday to Friday at 7:35 AM. The show provides an early morning wake-up call through pleasant chats and covers the news for the day. The series provides a pleasant experience at the crack of dawn and assists us to begin our day on a positive note. It helps us in preparing ourselves mentally for the challenges and the rigors of the day by providing a boost to our faculties.
The show provides us with information on the latest occurrences to get us ready. This extends across a variety of subjects including cinema, science, literature, sports, culture, society, arts, and much more. It forms a capsule of information and energy for revitalizing our senses. The series also shows us comedy skits and shows, content related to films including songs and interviews with the stars. It thus provides something for everyone. The viewers get engaged through small game shows as well as contests. The winner gets awarded with attractive prizes. All of these combined with the entertaining content makes for an interesting view and keeps the audiences entertained. The show gets hosted by Amritha, who is a well-known name in the Malayalam television industry. She becomes our guide across the subjects under discussion. She adds to the tone of the show pleasantly maintaining a smooth and gentle narrative.
The overall feel of the series has got appreciated with respect to the content and the time of the day when it gets aired. The show also airs special editions with content centered about specific events. For instance, in the week of Onam, there are a variety of programs which get broadcasted in addition to the regular fare. This adds to added attractions to the viewers. Special guests get invited who discuss a variety of topics which could range from anything including recipes specific to the festival or famous songs related to the period. The guests also add from their personal experiences and share incidents related to the festival from their own lives. The series has gotten appreciation from most sections of the audience and has got good ratings as well. Most of the viewers appreciate it for the honest narratives devoid of any unnecessary glamor or sensationalism. This helps them to retain a very loyal fan base.