Made For Each Other is a Malayalam reality television series. The show commenced in the year 2015, on May 11. This reality series was launched by the Malayalam channel Mazhavil Manorama. The show was conceptualized to create a new perception on the channel’s viewers. Every aspect of this series made to be really huge, as it was claimed and promised by the channel. The production quality was an especially marked too high quality which assured a grand visual spectacle. The show was entirely shot on the lands of Malaysia, making it the channel’s first reality show to reach international grounds.
This further made their claim more truthful and materialistic. The entire show was formatted to take its audience through the lengths and breadths of Malaysia, and its exotic locations while enjoying the contest or the game as well. A total number of hundred episodes were shot for this series. Each episode was made to be at least an hour in length. The show brought together twelve different real life couples who were newly married. The contest stood as a test of their compatibility.
The game was engorged with many lifestyle and adventure tasks, in various locations across Malaysia. The couple which lasts until the end and wins the show is offered a grand cash price of ten million rupees. The hot and sizzling actress Abhirami turned out to be the host of the show. The format of the game surrounds the concept to push the individual couples into a den of diverse backdrops.
This, in turn, will put the couples through an array of uncomfortable life tasks and challenges, which will be fun but challenging as well. The outcome of this entire process will be the evolving of the connection between these newlyweds, and that they will grow in their relationship through this journey. The show telecasted the array of a hundred episodes beginning on 11 May at 8:00 p.m. on the channel of Mazhavil Manorama. And from then it was telecasted every day, from Monday all the way through to Thursday, at the same timing of the pilot.
The viewers’ expectations were cultivated through heavy marketing and awareness campaign. And the channel successfully achieved to imprint on the viewers’ mind that Made For Each Other was the channel’s most luxurious attempt in the format of a reality game show. The channel delivered as it claimed that this show was going to be the biggest reality television show in all of Kerala.