The first season of the show Let’s Dance which is a reality show on the theme of dancing was aired in 2013 on Amrita TV which is a Malayalam entertainment channel. The show used to air from Monday to Thursday every week. The show aimed at finding the best dancer for the industry. The finale of the serial was held in the same year. It was a great event and has seen lot dignities from all walks of life. The sponsors include of premier footwear. The whole show was hosted by the famous South Indian actress and actress Miya was a special judge on the show.
This novel talent hunt for dancing pairs is open to same gender twosomes too. Star choreographer Sreedhar Master, Tollywood actor, Shantanu, Aravinder, Sarayu and Shruthi Lakshmi, will judge it. In the show, 20 pairs from Kerala and Tamil Nadu. The contestants include from 15-30 age groups and will be competing for 100 episodes. These pairs comprise nine -male pairs, two all-female pairs and ten male-female pairs. The hour-long show will occupy the slot on the channel for six months. The channel will also telecast the auditions for initial few days.
The channel has gone all out to promote its property. There were hoardings in the key markets as there were social media, flyers, print edits, flash mobs, web media edits, contestant road shows to promote the show. Amrita TV is also running the promos of the show on its channel as on the local cable networks. The final list of shortlisted contestants was selected through a state-wide hunt in different centres to attract the maximum participation. Amrita TV has got Medimix as one of the sponsors for the show, and others are still being finalised.
The format of the show included that every time one of the contestants would be eliminated and it would be the judges to decide whether there would be a wild card entry or not on the show. Thus Let's Dance' is a show which is designed to be every dance lover's dream show which is open to participants across India and the Gulf who could meet with the protocols of the show. Thus the show would feature performances by several distinguished dancers. Thus the show gained a lot of popularity and became one of the reality shows which was liked by the viewers. It got a lot of TRPs and attracted the audience.