The Serial Ente Alphonsamma was telecasted on Asianet. This serial is based on the real incident happened between the year 1910 and 1946. The story was of St. Alphonsamma who was the first saint of India. She was born on 19th August 1910. Her life is explained in a dramatic way in this serial. Actress Ashwathi played the character of Alphonsamma and was appreciated by the viewers and the critics. She just lived the life of Alphonsamma in this serial. This was one of the best roles she has played till now. The lead actress Ashwathi got the role in “Kunkumapoove” which also went for years. But she played a negative role in the serial. She had a chance to act with Dileep in a movie. Beena Anthony one of the best TV actors also has acted in this serial. As the story is based on the true story of Alphonsamma it had more of a good message to the people. The message is that to find the path of god by helping others and loving them even though they are rude to you. She faces many problems to achieve that spiritual power. Alphonsamma helped the needy and also advice the people to be helpful and also care others. The serial showed the good will of a human being which can be attained even after facing problems in life. The stories told by her mother in her childhood changed her life to choose her path to god than anything in life. She just left every enjoyment in a human life and dedicated her life to social service and giving love to the needy children. The story made this serial a super hit with some good performance by the actors.