The Amrita Film Awards 2009 is the annual award ceremony which got presented on the channel Amrita TV. The ceremony recognized talented members of the Malayalam cinema world for the outstanding contributions they made to films during the year. The event got held live on 21st February 2009 at the Chandrasekharan Nair Stadium located in the city of Thiruvananthapuram. It has been running successfully ever since its inauguration. The ceremony looked to honor the professional excellence attained by members of the Malayalam film fraternity. Both the nominations along with the award selections got made by an esteemed panel which comprised of distinguished professionals who dedicated their life to the industry.
The Amrita Film Awards 2009 got presented to artists who displayed excellent performances in the films which hit cinema screens last year. The annual exercise recognizes the best performers, contributors and actors within the world of cinema. The evening saw the Malayalam film fraternity celebrating together. These superstars also put up some riveting and dazzling performances which added to the glamor of the evening. In attendance was Sonu Nigam Sonu Nigam is a renowned Bollywood singer and comp >> Read More... crooning his soothing and melodious tracks. He and his troupe put together a mini concert the likes of which have rarely been seen before. They started slow but picked up the pace to go towards faster numbers and foot tapping music. The audience stood mesmerized and listened to him with glee.
Along with him was Prabhu Deva Story soon >> Read More... setting the stage afire with his usual energy and mind boggling performance. He came on stage and started simple, but moved on to showing the immense talent which has taken him to the heights of the dance world. It wasn’t just song and dance though but the comic capers of the anchors who left the audience members in splits. Their tantalizing energy kept the entire show alive and buzzing. The winners this year included lots of noted personalities.
True to his talent, Mohanlal took the title of Best Actor for the brilliant acting he showed in the fan favorite movies titled Aakashagopuram, Kurukshetra as well as Pakal Nakshtrangal. Priyamani, on the other hand, got the award for Best Actress. She got honored with the same for her role in the movie titled Thirakkatha. This was a testament to the talent she showed with 2009 being particularly good for her. Thirakkatha got the recognition of being the year’s Best Movie. Ranjith’scommendable work on the movie Thirakkatha got him the award for Best Director.