Mayajala is a TV serial aired on Star Suvarna. It is the Kannada dubbed serial that was originally aired in Hindi on Star Plus. The show was originally named Yeh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka. It started in 2020 from Monday to Friday. Each episode of the show is 20 to 22 minutes long. It is a supernatural drama with magic and ghosts in it. The male protagonist of the serial is played by Vikram Singh Chauhan Vikram Singh Chauhan is an actor majorly working f >> Read More... . The female protagonist is played by Aditi Sharma Aditi Sharma was born on August 24, 1983 in Luckno >> Read More... . Aman Junaid Khan, who is a nawab, said to be possessed by Jinn and is controlled by him. At the same time, Roshni is a sex worker who has the heart of an angel. In the show, later, a person gets ill, and people think that Jinn is the one behind it. People suggest that if Aman gets married to a person who has the heart of an angel, then the person will get cured. They find Roshni, but she refuses to marry him at first. Later Salma, who is dear to Roshni, pretends to get sick so that Roshni agrees to marry Aman.
Due to this, Aman thinks that Roshni is a gold digger who just wants her money. He gives her a lot of money in exchange for marrying her. She falls in love with him, but he still thinks that she is doing everything for money. Later we see that Aman’s brother Kabir who is an antagonist tries to kill him. Aman thinks that he is a good person and gets trapped in his webs. Roshni realizes that, and while trying to save Aman, she gets injured and finally dies. After her death, Aman realizes that she wasn't a gold digger, and she loved him. He realizes his mistake and is now devastated and heartbroken. Later, when Kabir gets to know that Aman has started loving Roshni, he brings her back to life. Kabir has total control over Roshni. She does exactly what he says. Aman has no idea about it and loves her.
Kabir still wants to kill his brother to take over the Jinn. When Aman finds out that Kabir has control over Roshni, he tries to find a way so that he can cure her and release her from Kabir’s trap. Meanwhile, we get to know that Kabir and Aman’s father is trying to kill both of them to get control of the Jinn. Now it is interesting to see if Aman can release Roshni and if they can escape his father’s trap watch the show only on Star Suvarna. You can watch the serial on Disney+Hotstar.