Gajina Gombe is a drama show which came on the channel Colors Kannada. The show is a Kannada language one which came on every weekday between Monday and Friday. It highlights the rivalry which exists between two families. They both have a long history of differences against one another. Each has tried multiple times to prove their superiority over the other but none has been able to have a conclusive victory. Yet they continue to fight out over decades. Their rivalry and differences got passed on to each succeeding generation who got expected to carry forward their legacy.
As the story opens, we get introduced to the two warring families. The melodrama got played out amidst the Sumalath family and the Kumudha family. There existed a time long ago when they were very close friends. However, with time this friendship deteriorated and they ended up becoming rivals. Everything stemmed out from a simple misunderstanding between the two households but they decided to fuel their own egos instead of nurturing their relationship. All of this culminated in them becoming enemies which affected everyone in their families. This also took a toll on both of their images in society. They attempted to thwart the other and emerge as the superior household, but neither was able to come out on top. This constant struggle left both of them battered and bruised.
The narrative follows them as they both face varying challenges from which they try and emerge. Each of them looks to their family for support. One of the memorable performances seen on the show got provided by the renowned actor Anil Kamath. He provided some very memorable performances on the show which made him a fan favorite. Apart from his excellent acting prowess, he is also a very talented singer as well as composer. Colors Kannada is an entertainment channel which provides a variety of shows for the entire family. It constantly tries to entertain the viewers by means of the distinctive as well as differentiated content they provide. These programs are an attempt at showcasing the rich heritage which exists in the state of Karnataka.
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