Nagapanchami is a supernatural drama show which came on the channel Suvarna TV. The series is a Kannada language one which came on every weekday between Monday and Friday in the time slot of 6:00 PM. It premiered on Indian television on 6th February 2012. The program boasts of a unique paranormal plot which has supernatural and mythological elements.The story is about a youthful and aggressive saga of love as well as revenge along with a lot of drama and emotion. The tales fixation with paranormal activities and the supernatural are uncommon in the Kannada television space. This fact lends it a unique aspect which the audiences have loved and enjoyed as well.Umesh Ray took up the production of the show. He has delivered other hits such as Sindoora in the past.
Vignesh Rao, who is amongst one of the well-known names in the Kannada television industry, has taken up the director’s chair and is leading from the front. He has also directed other acclaimed serials in the past which got loved by the viewers. It has also been able to wow audiences by use of some brilliant graphics as well as stunning special effects. These effects have gotten conceptualized as well as executed by none other than Yunus Buquari. He is best known for having worked on the animation of many stellar movies such as Koi Mil Gaya and Krishh amongst others. All these movies had refined special effects which were not seen in Indian cinema to date. Every episode of this show gets filled with numerous dramatic twists and plot turns along with some stunning and enchanting visual elements.
Such variety propelled the program to the peak of the charts setting new benchmarks owing to its fantastic story and technical brilliance along the way.There is the abundant use of 3D enabled computer graphics along with a number of 3D special effects. Large parts of the story got shot in and around some of the most ancient ruined temples in Harur, which lies in the Mandya district. This selection got done in order to preserve a realistic feel around the events narrated on the show. All of these activities coupled with some great acting propelled the series to amongst one of the highly viewed series on the channel. Both audiences and critics alike have praised this program for the brilliant narrative which keeps them engaged continuously.