Aadu Aata Aadu is a reality couple based game show which came on the channel Zee Kannada. The show is a Kannada language one which came on every weekday for three days only between Monday and Wednesday in the time slot between 9:00 and 10:00 PM. The program got premiered on Indian television screens on 31st May 2010. Every fresh episode of the program brings to us three different couples who are the contestants for that day. The players then compete in different games in an attempt to win big. All the games have some trick element to them and a lot of fun for the participants and the audience.
The program got hosted by the beloved Rajesh. He is a very popular character who came onto the acting scene from an early age. He soon catapulted to become the heartthrob of many on the small screen. He became well-known for the energetic performances which he gave on a regular basis. Aadu Aata Aadu promises to be a complete entertainer for the entire family. Each and every couple participating on the show has an equal chance of winning a variety of gifts.
The game got designed keeping the psyche and needs of young married couples in mind. The auditions for the show got held across the corners of the state. The couples who got selected then get to come on the show and take part in simple but hilarious games which got designed to engage and elicit laughs. To promote the game and highlight its fun nature, the members of the media got invited to take part in some of the games. They were even handed out prizes at the end of the day which included actual silver coins.
The participants are also cared for on the show with the gifts which are on offer got selected keeping the newly married couple’s requirements in mind. The games also let the participants in on how much they gel together in real life. It thus becomes a fun outing which reinforces the couple’s marriage and their own mutual compatibility. Aadu Aata Aadu became a regular viewing and got appreciated by all members of the audience. It got good ratings from critics as well who observed the series to be unique and an engaging watch especially with family on weekdays. It provided a good break from daily soaps.