Lagegi is a standup comedy show; that revolves around celebrity interview, gags and spoofs. It was first aired in 2007 on UTV Bindass and completed more than 100 episodes. The show was hosted by Mantra and Anirudh Sharma Anirudh Sharma is an ex-contestant in a famous rea >> Read More... and had been later named as 'Hass Ley India. Lagegi is a show which is a perfect blend of comedy, gossip and entertainment surrounding the lives of celebrities and unexpected challenges thrown at them to accomplish.
This show also highlights and brings out the hidden skills of the two anchors one being an excellent host and the other one a rapper with a knack to freestyle. It was an on set show with a live audience which had been recorded simultaneously and later aired on television, throughout the show Mantra, and Anirudh manages to keep the audience entertained successfully and in splits Mantra's first recognisable and much-appreciated appearance on television was on this very show; he has hosted shows such as First day First show and G-Spot. His career began as a cricket commentator on Star Sports and an NDTV 24X7's sports show 'Cricket Controversies'. He also hosted a dance reality show Zara Nachke Dikha; he was also a part of comedy circus which helped him establish himself as a standup comedian.
Mantra has bagged awards like the RAPA award and is also a two-time winner of the Promax award for 'Mumbai local and is now a very well renowned comedian. On the other hand, Anirudh had already been connected to the industry unlike mantra, who was a newcomer. Anirudh has his very own game show called 'Ridka on Road' which aired on ETC Punjabi. He also interviewed the who's who of the Punjabi industry very frequently. He also did a short stint with Lisa Ray An actress, model, endorser, tv-host, philanthropi >> Read More... for the show Oh My Gold! on TLC channel. The audience will find the show highly relatable and funny due to the content that had been depicted.
There are some hilarious and cute moments with eye-opening celebrity gossip which keeps you glued to the chair throughout, and will make you leave your tension filled life behind for at least some time, these two anchors together do a phenomenal job and keep us entertained throughout. Lagegi is a must watch for anyone who is a movie buff and wants to stay updated and is also looking for a way to pass his/her time side by side.