Dandiya nights is a reality show that aired on Star Plus. This is a 6 episode show aired on occasion Indian festivals Navratri and Dussehra. The show started from 1 October 2018 and ended on 8 October 2018. The show starts from the tv serials that aired on star plus presented several dance performances to entertain the viewers. Most of these performers were based on Dandiya, a dance form popular in Gujarat. In the show, they presented a fusion of Garba and Dandiya. Both of these dance forms are part of Gujarat ethnicity. In the show, they presented themselves as Nav Durga(Nine births of Indian goddess Maa Durga Maa Durga is a mythological serial based on the li >> Read More... ). They celebrated the festival and victory of good over evil. Each episode was 20 minutes long.
In the first episode, Sanya Irani and Jay Bhanushali Jay Bhanushali is a Hindi television actor, anchor >> Read More... were the ones who started the show. They hosted it and introduced the performers. Later Kushal Tandon did a dance performance to entertain the viewers. Kiku Sharda Kiku Sharda is a talented actor, comedian and, als >> Read More... also did some comedy skits to entertain the viewers. In the second episode, Ayush Sharma Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Varina Hussain were there. They did dance performances on the songs of their upcoming movie Love Yatri. They were there to promote the movie. In this episode, tv actresses danced in the traditional form.
In the third episode, Rithvik Dhanjani Rithvik Dhanjani is a popular television actor, da >> Read More... and Shantanu played a funny game to entertain the viewers of the show. Later actor Ravi Dubey Ravi Dubey is an Indian Television and film actor >> Read More... who is famous for Jamai Raja Played Dandiya in a unique style. In the same episode, Kiku Sharda did some comedy skits. One actress danced on the song Nagada Sang Dhol Baje from the movie Ram Leela. In the fourth episode, Leenesh Mattho and Adaa Khan Adaa Khan is an Indian Model and Television Actre >> Read More... performed Dandia in a unique style that was inspired by puppet dance.
Tushar Kalia Tushar Kalia is an Indian dancer, and choreographe >> Read More... one of the brilliant choreographers also did a dance performance. In the fifth episode, Pooja Sharma Pooja Sharma is an Indian television actress, anch >> Read More... with the help of Ravi Dubey did a dance performance in which she played Maa Durga and did some amazing dance steps that were scary yet entertaining. In the last episode, Surbhi Jyoti Surbhi Jyoti is at present one of the most popular >> Read More... who is known for Naagin did a dance performance in which she presented all nine Forms of Maa Durga. She focused on showing Maa Durga’s Raudra Roop (Angry), who killed the devil, Mahisashur.Â