Antakshari – The Great Challenge is a renowned Indian reality singing competition television show, which was produced and directed by
Gajendra Singh
under Saaibaba Telefilms. The show has completed a total of three seasons including Antakshari – The Great Challenge Season 1, which was aired on STAR One channel, the second season was entitled as Colgate Maxfresh Antakshari – The Great Challenge
Little Stars
and aired on STAR Plus and the third season was entitled as Antakshari – The Great Challenge Family Antakshari #Baithe Baithe Kya Kare and aired on SAB TV.
It is based on a musical game in India called, Antakshari were every contestant sings the first verse of a film song that starts with a Hindustani consonant, which ends the selected song of the previous contestants. The singer should sing the first two lines of the song and ends to the following lines and then, the last word used by the previous singer will be used by the next singer and sing another song that starts with that letter. Film actor and television presenter,
Annu Kapoor
hosted the show together with popular actress and anchor,
Juhi Parmar
. Antakshari – The Great Challenge show was presented by Amar Patel and Shil Chandi. The Season 3 was hosted by Mantra together with singer and TV presenter, Suhandha Mishra.
The second season which entitled as Antakshari – The Great Challenge Little Stars is a kid’s special show who gathered together from all over India to represent their respected regions in this musical competition show. It started airing on June 4, 2007 every Monday to Thursday evenings. Contestants were paired to form teams and at the end of each week, the region who won was rolled over to battle to other teams from other regions.
The third season which entitled as Antakshari – The Great Challenge Family Antakshari #Baithe Baithe Kya Kare has the same format but this time, the entire family was involved. The show presented a traditional activity that includes the entire family member to the game. This season is composed of various unique rounds for the participants including karaoke round, where the contestant will be shown songs with the missing lines and they need to sing it to complete the song. Another fascinating round includes the anchors to re-enact a popular scene or dance step from a film and the contestants should guess and sing the song from that specific film. The competition will not be completed without the fast-paced buzzer round where the contestants should classify the tune and sing the right song. Another special round is the AnnuJi Ki Google where judges will pick several questions and some clues based on a Hindi film and song to the contestants and they need to identify and sing the song correctly. The show runs from September 27, 2014 until December 28, 2014.