Zaara was a Hindi TV serial aired on Sahara One during 2006-08. the story focused on the life of an Indian Upper class Muslim girl. The serial became very popular in Muslims as well as other Muslim countries because it depicted the life of upper middle class Muslim society in contemporary India. Zaara is all set to marry her childhood crush Samar and the marriage is to be solemnized very soon. In the meantime, Zaara receives a strange request from her sister Zeenat to marry her husband, Aamir in second marriage. Zeenat is unable to bear a child and due to this, Aamir's family wants to marry him again, but Zeenat would not be able to see any body else but her own sister as Aamir's wife. Any other woman in the life of Aamir would spoil the life of Zeenat. Zaara respecting her sister's sentiments and to make her happy cancels her marriage with Samar and gets married to Aamir as second wife. Gradually Zaara falls in love with Aamir and both Zaara and Zeenat deliver children to Aamir. But Zeenat feels insecure and convinces Aamir that Zaara is not faithful to her. Aamir divorces Zaara and deserts her with the child Khushi. Now Zaara realities that it was Zeenat who all along was jealous of Zaara and with a view to damage her life, she had forced her to marry Aamir. After a lot of drama, the misunderstandings are sorted out, Zeenat is arrested by the police and peace reruns in the life of Zaara.
Te serial was telecast on Sahara One from December 4, 2006 to June 20, 2008 in 362 episodes. This serial was also telecast in Afghan TV and some episodes in a TV channel in Romania.