Sabse Bade Ladaiya is a TV serial that is aired on Doordarshan National Channel. The first episode was telecasted in October 2012. This historical drama serial is set in the backdrop of Mahoba region in Bundelkhand. It focuses on the lives of two Rajput warrior brothers, Aalha and Udal and their feats of valor and courage. In 13th century, Bundelkhand was ruled by the Chandel king, Raja Parmaldev. Aalha and Udal were prominent members of his court. They were close confidants of Raja Parmaldev. Both brothers were extremely loyal to their king and were ever ready to lay their lives for the king and his honor. Raja Parmaldev also regarded the brothers as his sons.
Sabse Bade Ladaiya begins with the childhood of Aalha and Udal. Child actors Dinesh Sharma Dinesh Sharma is an Indian News Presenter who has >> Read More... and Jeet Soni Jeet is known for his role in a crime thriller “Mr >> Read More... play the role of the young warriors who were raised in King’s court. Later, actor Amar Upadhyay Amar Upadhyay had started out as a small-time Indi >> Read More... portrays a grown-up Aalha, and like-wise, actor Sahil Anand Sahil Anand is an Indian actor who has been a part >> Read More... plays Udal. Rajputs are known for their fearless attitude. Aalha and Udal gave a completely new definition to that. Through the episodes, we see the life of Aalha and Udal and some of the legendary battles they fought to defend their kingdom. The most notable battle was the one against Raja Prithviraj Chauhan, who was the ruler of Delhi. Mahoba was defeated by the army of Prithviraj Chauhan. Aalha and Udal remained the martyred heroes of the war.
Even today, villages in Northern India continue to remember the courageous deeds of the warrior brothers. Folk songs are often sung in praise of Aalha and Udal. Most of these songs are passed on to the future generations by their Ancestors. It is said that the tale of Aalha and Udal was written by a poet named Jagnik, in the form of a ballard called Aalhakhand. Jagnik was like a bard, a poet who roamed from one place to another and recited his poems to a gathered audience. Aalhakhand never had a written manuscript. The ballad was passed on from father to son, by recitation. Actor ‘ Amit Pachori Amit Pachori is a small screen actor known for his >> Read More... ’ portrays the role of Aalha, and Udal’s teacher, Talha Syed.
Veteran actors Deepti Dhyani Deepti Dhyani, or Dipti Dhyani, is a well-known ac >> Read More... , Benjamin Gilani Benjamin Gilani born on November 20, 1946, is a ve >> Read More... , and Vinod Kapoor Vinod Kapoor is a noted acting professional mainly >> Read More... are also part of this big budget historical saga. The serial boasts of lavish and detailed settings, to encapsulate the royal palaces. The essence of Bundelkhand and Mahoba region is captured in the landscapes of Panvel (Navi Mumbai) and Baroda. Sabse Bade Ladaiya is aired every Monday and Tuesday at 10 pm, on Doordarshan National Channel. It is a must watch for anyone who loves history, action, and entertainment.