Pyaar Ka Bandhan is an Indian Television Series which was aired on Sony Entertainment Television. The story was produced by Balaji Telefilms and the very famous duo in the Indian TV series, Shobha Kapoor Shobha Kapoor is a film and television producer fr >> Read More... and Ekta Kapoor Ekta Kapoor; a legendry producer in Indian TV and >> Read More... . It was a story about 4 siblings who got separated in their childhood due to fate. Pyaar Ka Bandhan is the story of four siblings named Kajol, Sujoy, Deva and Mishti. It captures the turmoil of a mother who is attacked with Cancer and is on the last stage. She leaves her children in the orphanage as she was going to die.
Then the story took a leap and all the siblings had grown up and had separated. Their name also changes as Kajol became Prateeksha, Mishti became Araina, Sujoy became Aziz and Deva became Milind. Then their lives cross each other’s, oblivious to their biological bonding. Milind became an aspiring politician and worked for a famous politician. He became the bodyguard of the famous politician’s daughter Devika. Prateeksha became the personal secretary of Shashank. Prateeksha got appointed upon the insistence of Suhani who is Araina’s step sister. Aziz was adopted by a Muslim couple and worked in Vikram Rai’s house. It is the same house where her younger sister Araina was adopted.
After that Shashank fell in love with Prateeksha but he was unable to marry her off as he was engaged to Suhani (Araina’s step sister). Prateeksha also loved Shashank but sacrificed her love for Suhani. Araina loved Raunak who worked as a horse trainer. Then Aziz found out about Prateeksha and Prateeksha also was relieved finding out one of her siblings. Then after an interesting turn of events, Suhani died and Araina retrieved from Coma whilst Prateeksha got married to Raunak. She needed a sign from Milind as the minister of the city as she was making an orphanage. Milind was also engaged to Devika.
But then again Prateeksha and Shashank again fell in love and the serial ended with the four siblings reunited and found their mother who was still alive. The lovers also reunited as Shashank married Prateeksha, Raunak married Araina, Milind married Radha and Aziz married Devika.
Kritika Kamra
Kritika Kamra is an Indian model and television ac >> Read More...
played the role of Prateeksha.
Lavanya Tripathi
Lavanya Tripathi is a Hindi TV serial actress as w >> Read More...
played the Role of Araina.
Karan Sharma
Karan Sharma, not to be confused with the Indian f >> Read More...
played his role as Aziz and
Mahesh Shetty
One of the most versatile actors in Indian TV seri >> Read More...
as Milind.The series premiered on October 7, 2009, and ended after completing its 108th episode and was aired on Sony Entertainment television.