Premchand Stories is a drama based television show that was aired on the channel, DD National. DD national is a terrestrial television channel owned by Doordarshan. The show, Premchand Stories was aired on this channel decades ago. This show had multiple episodes, each around 30 minutes long. Premchand Stories is a pictorial representation of some of the best works of Munshi Premchand.
Munshi Premchand was one of the most celebrated Indian writers and novelists of the 20th century of the Hindi-Urdu literature. He is often referred to as “Upanyas Samrat” which means “King of Fiction.” Munshi is an honorary prefix that was put before his name to honor the legend that was Premchand. His original name was Dhanpat Rai Srivastava. When he stepped into writing, he coined himself the fancy name Premchand. In his lifetime, Munshi Premchand has written more than a dozen novels, hundreds of short stories and essays and many foreign literary translations to Hindi.
His contribution to Hindi literature is unforgettable, and his writings have made it as important lessons for school textbooks. Studying Hindi literature would be impossible without learning about Munshi Premchand and his work. His work transports people to a different world all together. The times when the concept of zamindaars, cast systems, and joint families existed, India was a different country back then. The functioning of the daily lives of big, joint families, the small, emotional wars between the members, the psyche of the Indian middle class, human greed, all these dramatic nuisances were caught very sensitively, yet at its best in Munshi Premchand’s work.
The almost accurate depiction of emotions and reading minds was his talent which he very well transformed into words. Premchand Stories is a collective work of these novels written by him. Each of these stories were taken up and given a cinematic representation. The show featured these stories in a series of episodes.
As difficult as it is to put novels into motion line by line, each of these stories still continued for around 13 to 15 episodes. Some of his best works like Eidgah, Godaan, Boodhi Kaaki, Nirmala, Namak ka Daroga, Sawa Ser Gehu, etc., made it to the show. Most of these stories were directed and given shape on screen by the very talented, Gulzar. Veteran television and film actors like Pankaj Kapoor, Vrajesh Hirjee Known for his comic timing and comic roles, Vrajes >> Read More... , Anjann Srivastava, Surekha Sikri Surekha Sikri is known for her character as Kalya >> Read More... , Ravi Jhankal Ravi Jhankal is an experienced Indian stage, telev >> Read More... , Jaaved Khan Amrohi, Raghubir Yadav Raghubir Yadav is an Indian movie, television and >> Read More... , etc., took these stories to a different level by their soulful and realistic performances.