Hindi Tv Serial Meri Doli Mere Angana

Meri Doli Mere Angana Hindi TV SERIALS on Azaad TV
3.70 / 5.00
3.89 / 5.00
Written By - Team Nettv4u

Created by Lalsahab Yadav and Roshan Roy Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Meri Doli Mere Angana is one of the popular Indian series aired on Azaad TV. Made under the banner of Tell-A-Tale Media, the series premiered on September 14, 2021. The storyline revolves around the Singh family of Bithoor and their relationships with each other. The protagonist, Janki, is the living daughter of the family, but certainly everything changes and drastically affects their lives. The show reflects the challenges and struggles faced by Janki as she is married in her own house and tries to adjust and win over the hearts of her family. The aspects of various challenges and destruction that give a twist to everyone’s lives make the story intriguing and engaging. Despite the progress achieved in society, discrimination is still prevalent in culture, and the series showcases the backward ideologies disguised as tradition.

The character of Janki represents countless women who will feel seen and heard after the show. The series cast includes Aastha Abhay Aastha Abhay is an Indian television actress. Aast >> Read More... , who played the protagonist Janki; Surendra Pal Best known for his roles as Dronacharya in Mahabha >> Read More... (as Gyanendra Singh, Janki’s father); Dhrisha Kalyani (as Sakshi Singh Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Janki’s sister); Worship Khanna Worship Khanna is an Indian film actor, popular am >> Read More... (as Vijayendra Singh); Dharmendra Gupta Dharmendra Anand Gupta is an actor known for “Kahe >> Read More... (as Nagendra Singh Bio coming soon... >> Read More... ); Archana Damohe Bio coming soon... >> Read More... (as Janki’s grandmother); Kuldeep Chaudhary Born on 4th April, 1994 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, >> Read More... (as Santosh); Dipali Sharma Dipali Sharma is a well-known Indian model and act >> Read More... (as Ginni); and Priyanka Malviya Bio coming soon... >> Read More... (as Nidhi). With a talented cast and an engaging plot line, Meri Doli Mere Angana has successfully become one of the fan favourites among audiences. The show is a must-watch for people who are interested in learning about social norms and traditions. The journey of naïve and demure Janki, who learns to manage circumstances while fulfilling the standard traditional culture that discriminates between the roles of a daughter and daughter-in-law are perfect for a family-friendly time.


Ishmeet Singh Hindi Singer
DOB: 2 September 1988
Ishmeet Singh
Yash Pandit Hindi TV-Actor
DOB: 20 September 1977
Yash Pandit
Meena Nathani Hindi TV-Actress
DOB: 15 May 1987
Meena Nathani
Poonam Pandey Hindi Movie Actress
DOB: 11 March 1991
Poonam Pandey