It is a less popular investigation drama by KR Films International, produced by Shah Ratan Shah, directed by Kishore Dang Kishore Dang is an Indian director, filmmaker, act >> Read More... and the lead role played by the popular TV and Movie actor KIRAN KUMAR aired on Doordarshan in 2003 The story is about a very patriotic detective named Karan who tries hard to fight crime and corruption as a detective with major roles played by Zakhir Hussein, Raza Murad Raza Murad is a famous Indian Bollywood actor who >> Read More... , Murli Sharma Murli Sharma is a well known actor of television a >> Read More... , Aashif Sheikh, Sonu Walia Sonu Walia is a Bollywood actress and a model. She >> Read More... . The protagonist Karan is very patriotic and with every case that comes his way, he only thinks about the welfare of his nation and its people.
He’s patriotic to an extent that he could sacrifice his life and go through life threatening situations to save his country. One such situation depicted in the serial is that of two terrorist brothers Rocky and John (played by Murli Sharma)who are successful in killing Doctor Abdullah and stealing his formula to destroy the country, Police Commissioner Swami and Karan are able to track Rocky alive whereas John suffers injury and is in coma. The only way to get the formula back safely is to unite both the brothers as Rocky refuses to share the formula with anyone hence Karan decides to get the face of John on his face by Doctor Douglas who is a famous surgeon.
Once Karan gets John’s face replacing his face, he is brutally beaten by the police who consider him as the terrorist John. When Karan (now with John’s face) is united with Rocky, he is able to know the place where the formula is hidden and further plans to rescue from the situation but meanwhile John wakes up from the coma ,threatens the nurse and is able to know everything and confronts Karan inside the jail where Karan is shocked to see John with his face and is also saddened by the events that follow where John kills both Commissioner Swami and Doctor Douglas in a planned event.
The show sometimes is interesting but mostly predictable and also gets a little too patriotic breaking the chain of events, Kiran Kumar Kiran Kumar is an Indian Bollywood actor who has w >> Read More... tries his best to hold the entire show by his talent but is not able to make it a popular show like some of the other detective shows because the predictability and over the top emotions which sometimes seem artificial but it definitely is one of those serials which reminds you of old times.