Heroes is a show that shows real events and portrays them into characters by changing names; it illustrates the true story of Indian women. It was premiered on Channel V. It was first aired on 23rd February 2014 and still continues to show the fightback files, showcasing the power of some real life women, who decided to stand up and bring justice for their respect and honor.
Heroes is a dramatic and factual presentation of actual events experienced by women of our society. This is the dramatic presentation of those gutsy girls or women, who fights against sexual harassment, eve teasing and injustice happened with them. The first episode of Heroes was a story about a girl, where the girl is regularly being harassed by her own uncle. She decides to fight back and exposes the reality of her uncle to the rest of the family. The makers of this show just wanted to spread awareness about the current state of women in our society and fuel the spark to fight against it because women are always under scanner some time it is because of their cloths, behavior and verbal languages.
Till today, the makers of Heroes have illustrated various stories of different girls, who fought against sexual harassment, eve teasing by giving them a piece of their own cake and emerged as true warriors. Heroes created a lot of buzz and gone viral with its promos featuring a rap singer ”
Hard Kaur
” before being aired on Channel V, its just because of the subject line they have chosen to portray. The makers of Heroes decided to provide a symbolic name to this show that must signify that the victim women who fought back against injustice are like warriors.Who has determination, confidence and courage to fight back against male dominated society like a Bollywood masala movie’s heroes? So, they decided to call it as the show of Heroes.
(23th February 2014 – Continues)