Bhoomi is an Indian environmental series which aired on DD National channel by Doordarshan in 2008. It was cast on the channel every Monday to Friday at 6 p.m. It is hosted by the very famous Indian film and tv actress Manini Mishra Manini De Mishra is an Indian TV and film actress >> Read More... whose fame boosted by playing the role as ‘Pari Kapadia’ in a very hit Indian tv serial ‘Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahi.’. In Bhoomi, she played the role herself as the anchor of the show. The show is based on Bhoomi literally meaning ‘the earth.’ The Indian environment show took a majority of people’s attention as it is based on the ministry of environment and forest of Delhi.
The show focused on the regular lives of living beings relating it to nature and the environment. Also, the serial showed the lives of farmers, and many documentaries of the environment, animals and species. One of the episodes manifested about the pets. It cast families/ people giving their views about having pets, and sharing their moments/ experience and stories. It showed various examples of perks of having pets and maintaining the happiness of their lives. Pets are not just animals, once they get attached; they are like our family member only.
The documentary cast psychologists and physicians as well saying that pets are people’s happiness therapy. Also, a very enthusiastic and appreciating scene was there in which they showed that pets cannot only just cheer up people like us but also they can give a moment of joy to the unusual people/children who suffer from disabilities/ disorders making them happy and distracting them from their usual routine life! Another one of the very informative episodes talks about farming, fertilization, and globalization.
One farming land’s crops are shown which were very green and looked fresh. They mainly focused on the quality and color which they insisted is because of globalization and the seeds of these crops were imported from abroad. They talked about globalization takes place and help in improvement of our agriculture system and development of our country. They were given tips about maintaining the crops according to the shape, size, and color and according to the weather as well.
The Indian tv serial starred the daily living of people and workers seeking the good things and the bad like they showed people dealing with pollution, lives of farmers, fishermen, labors, sweepers, shopkeepers and vegetable-fruit sellers as well. The show also focused on maintaining our environment, unemployment rates and spreading peace. The series also included comedy episodes and episodes with useful facts. The environment series named after earth makes people like us see and realize how big and diversified our world in its own beauty is. And how much important it is for us to maintain its beauty for our living. The stories progress with individuals taking steps to avoid negative circumstances and putting their efforts showcasing different lives of people.
All in all, the show is an inspiration to the people to love their environment and protect it as much as they can, we mustn’t stop putting efforts and instead spread happiness and peace. Earth gives enough to fulfill every man’s requirements, so we mustn't be negligent.