Arrow is a season being produced by the American action series with 23 episodes in total based on the DC Comics character named Green Arrow who was a costumed crime fighter created by George Papp and another named Mort Weisinger. The season got premiered on 10th October 2012 around 8:00 p.m. telecasted on the CW networks. The first season was viewed by approximately 3.68 million viewers every single week. The season went on to multiple awards and which includes 21 nominations in various categories.
The main cast members included were Stephen Amell Stephen Amell is an actor who played the role of O >> Read More... named as Oliver Queen in the entire season as the main lead of the series , Katie Cassidy Born in Los Angeles, Katie Cassidy is an American >> Read More... as Laurel Lance playing the girlfriend role of the lead character and Susanna Thompson acting Oliver’s mother and Willa Holland named a Moria Queen playing sister’s role in the season. David Ramsey named as John Diggle playing the father’s role on which the story is depicted. Colin Donnell as Tommy Merlyn being the friend of Oliver’s family in the season. The season produced by Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenhemi, and Greg Berlanti Greg Berlanti is an American film and television w >> Read More... , and got started on 12th of January 2012, it started with keeping Green Arrow character as famous whereas later it was known as Arrow.
The idea of the series was to keeping the content and action in a realistic way whereas the main focus went on to the development of a spoiled, entitled and a bit jerk kind of boy to came at such different exposure after returning from an Island after five years. The series showed a relationship triangle in which Laurel Lance got caught in the middle as she loved Oliver and respect her father at the same time, whereas her father was totally against of the Oliver Queen and family.
Oliver Queen was the famous billionaire known as a playboy of Starling City, he spent five years on a mysterious island and got reunited with her mother named Moria Queen, sister and his friends. He was on a mission after the return, of killing the Criminals found harming the Starling City whereas he also found the names of people who were a part of destroying the city in his Father’s diary. He later on, decided to kill each one of them one-by-one. Oliver also tried to connect with his ex-girlfriend whereas she was still angry with Oliver, presuming him the reason of her sister’s death. The entire season rome around the time Oliver was on the Island and what changes came in his life and around him and what exactly changed Oliver.