30 Rock is a comedy genre show telecast on an American based Television network NBC. NBC is the Nation Broadcast company operational in the United States of America. This series is a sitcom which includes various unrelated characters and their relation with each other. The complete story of the series revolves around 12 persons. These 12 characters are the lead roles on the show.
This program is a comedy-oriented show, and so the actors in the series also make a full effort to make it a success. NBC channel is sometimes referred as Peacock Network taken in reference with the channel logo. This channel mainly operates to attract the audience with its real-time comedy serials, and 30 Rock series is one among those comedy serials. The 30 Rock series consists of seven seasons among which the season 6 attained massive audience applause.
NBC telecast the 30 Rock show at 8 PM on a daily basis. Tina Fey A multi-talented person, Tina Fey is an American a >> Read More... , Tracy Morgan Tracy Morgan is an American actor and voice over a >> Read More... , Jane Krakow ski, and Jack Mc Brayer are the leading character artists in the series. The story of this season starts from the end of season five. The lead actor in the series Tracy Jordan is the famous star and the hero of the movie is Loose Cannon. Tina Fey, the other star of this show, is a head writer of the comedy shows.
The main highlights of the series are Liz’s new relationship and maturity on relationship matters, and Kenneth’s swing in her professional life. The complete story reveals about the comedy narration of the characters.
The other concepts in the series are Jack trying to get back his wife from North Korea and find the identity of her at Keble town, and Jenna reaches a higher position in her judging post on a reality show and settles down with her boyfriend, Paul. There are a lot of award nominations in the name of this series, one among those are 13 EMMY award nominations.
This program has not only attracted one group of the audience, but all ages of people became fans of this show. As the series is a sitcom based show, it was very much viewable by all the members of a family. For all the details about the series and the channel go to the official website of the network.