GENIUS, a new American prime-time television series produced by the National Geographic channel premiered in UK on April 23rd 2017, Sunday and in North America on April 25 2017, Tuesday. The series is an adaptation of Walter Isaacson’s 2007 best seller- “Einstein: His Life and Universe” and has been developed by Noah Pink Noah Pink is a screenwriter, TV maker, and chie >> Read More... and Kenneth Biller Kenneth Todd Biller is a television writer, produc >> Read More... . This period drama revolves around the life and achievements of Nobel prize winning physicist, Albert Einstein, played by Geoffrey Rush He first appeared in TV Series “Consumer Capers” f >> Read More... as his older version and Johnny Flynn as the younger.
It explores how patent clerk Einstein struggled to get a teaching job in his initial days but later ended up solving the secrets of the universe through his “Theory of Relativity”. The show also talks about the 'real' Albert Einstein- the womanizer, the struggling son, a complete genius and also his love affair with science, hatred for nationality and xenophobia. The central cast of the show includes Samantha Colley She is an English actress who contributed to the t >> Read More... as Mileva Maric (Einstein’s first wife), Emily Watson Emily Watson is an actress of English origin, born >> Read More... as Ella Einstein (Einstein’s second wife), Shannon Tarbet as Marie(Einstein’s former girlfriend), Claire Rushbook as Pauline Einstein, Michael McElhatton Michael McElhatton is a very famous writer and an >> Read More... as Philipp Lenard, Richard Topol as Fritz Haber.
The show is on its first season, the latest being episode four which was aired on 16th May. The season is set to have ten episodes, airing on Sundays, 9 pm on NatGeo. On April 19th, NatGeo renewed the series for a second season, the content of which will be revealed in the finale episode of season one. Each episode has a runtime of 43 minutes and has been directed by different director or set of directors like Ron Howard, James Hawes, Minkie Spiro Minkie Spiro is an English director, producer, and >> Read More... . The show major links between Einstein’s love affairs and his love for physics.
It gives equal attention to Albert Einstein’s love life, as it does to its theory of relativity. Walter Issacson, who has written other biographies of famous personalities like Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs Click to look into! >> Read More... said that the best thing about the TV series ‘Genius’ is that it shows the exact links between Einstein’s personality with his physics just as in his biography, he mentions about the unified field theory.
The first two episodes of the show revolve around Einstein’s early education in Germany and Switzerland and some of his early relations. Also the influence of his first wife Mileva Maric, one of the few women who took to pursuing scientific degree in the 1980’s, on his life and how she worked as an inspiration and helped solved problems for him is very beautifully portrayed by Samantha Colley. The show will definitely give a clearer definition to the physicist’s portrait in the minds of world, in a sequence of rather fascinating turn of events.