Valbasha Kare Koy is a Bengali Television series aired on NTV. It features Mosharraf Karim K M Mosharraf Hossain was born at Khilgaon on Augu >> Read More... , Ahona Rahman Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , A.T.M Shamsuzzaman, Badhon, Shahiduzzaman Salim, Shyamal Mawla, Shampa Reza Shampa Reza is a well-known Bangladeshi model, act >> Read More... , Tania Hussain Tania Hussain is one of the top actresses in Pakis >> Read More... , Hasan, Mukul Siraj, Sujat Shamilul, Mory Sally, Hassan Faradoss, Abdul Hannan Shaley, Ahsanul Haque Moni, Sayaka Ahmad, Sara Zaman, and others. Wealthy widower Zummon Ali Fakir falls in love with his protected wife, Malancha. But Malancha loves the young man Tota who is also in Zummon's house. The problem starts with this conflict between Zummon and Tota. Masud did not pass the metric exam even though he participated for the 29th time.
Hence, everyone calls him Matric Masud. This time, Aleya and master Jalal are teaching him as his tutor. Aleya falls in love while tutoring him, but Master Jalal is angry. Ashok is a wealthy young man from the village. He exchanged a ring with Hena lives in a nearby town. But another game starts here, and three women named Champa, Muna, and Lata are on one side, and Ashok stays on the other side of the game.