Suraksha Kabach is a suspense thriller Bengali television series that aired on channel Colors Bangla. The show brings out shocking stories and brutal crimes perpetrated by criminals which will leave the mind of the audience in terror. Not only does the show features thrilling and entertaining stories but also suggests people to be aware of the tough challenges that life throws at them,and find the possible solutions to situations beforehand. One of the most interesting and mysterious episode features Vanitha. Under unforeseen circumstances, Vanitha is found dead in a public toilet. At the beginning of the investigation, it is considered to be a suicide. But things take mysterious turn when her call records reveal her constantly being in touch with a missing woman.
The mystery behind her sudden death leaves everyone in shock. Throughout the episode, police tries to seek the reason for these disappearances and death. What will happen next? Will the police be able to find the actual reason behind Vanitha’s death? The rest of the episode deals with that. In one of the initial episodes, we get to see how untrustworthy even a lover could be. This episode features the newlyweds Priya and Prakash. While Prakash is a successful businessman with lots of bad habits, Priya is a simple girl who enjoys a normal lifestyle. Now, Prakash hosts several parties at his house and tells Priya that in order to adapt to his lifestyle, she should also be social and drink. Priya does what her husband asks from her but little did she know the truth behind the situation. What does Prakash do after forcefully making Priya drink alcohol? The episode deals with that. Another episode revolves around the life of in Janani and Rohan. They recently had a child but families are left in shock when the newborn's skin colour doesn't match the parents. Although Janani says that they are innocent and that their child is their, the DNA test reveals that Rohan is not the birth father of the child. Who is the real father of the baby? Did Janani have an affair? The episode deals with that.
In one of the episodes, the remains of Sri Lakshmi after her mysterious death leave everyone in shock. The only information present is that before her disappearance, she had divorced her husband, Rakesh and married Putrananda Swami, who was a spiritual preacher. What hints will the police find? Will they he able to find the truth? The episode deals with that. Love is a powerful force that can bring out the best in someone as well as the worst. One episode of the show deals with the story of two lovers, Neha and Vikas. They are unabashedly head over heels for each other. Although Neha’s father is okay with their relationship and wants them to marry, Neha’s stepmother isn’t. She doesn’t want the marriage to take place. Pretty soon, it’s found out that Neha’s father is murdered. Who committed this heinous crime? Was it Neha’s lover Vikas? Or did Mahadev had any previous enemy of his own? The episode deals with that.